Blow is a minimalist tiling window manager, inspired by DWM. The code is here.
Like DWM, it:
- Is tiling: the size and position of windows are normally decided by a layout algorithm, not the user.
- Supports multiple tags/workspaces, optional floating windows, mouse moving/resizing, and multiple monitors (with a shared tag set).
- Is configured at compile time
Unlike DWM, it:
- Is written in Rust, using XCB rather than XLib.
- Adds extra features as optional modules/features, rather than patches.
- Doesn't have a built-in bar, to keep the scope narrow.
I mostly built it to learn X11. Turns out, X11 is fucked and you should use Wayland (which is also fucked).
Missing features
- More tiling options
- Cursor warping
- Smart borders
- Bottom stack